“Blood Moon Apocalypse” Survival Stories Sought

by drfuture2013

The demise of humanity with the last Jewish Feast/”Blood Moon” coincidence has been trumpeted (excuse the pun) loudly and across the vast swath of Christian media and para-church organizations – not only the World Net Dailys, Skywatch TVs and similar outlets, but even Anne Graham Lotz’s (Billy Graham’s daughter) warning of an “Emergency for Jerusalem” that not only was concerned for our dear friend of Christians, the atheist Benjamin Netanyahu (while no mention of his Jewish sorcerer friend Rabbi Kaduri), but also of “The fourth blood moon on September 28 considered by rabbis to be an omen for Israel that will also be a super moon seen over Jerusalem” and “The end of the Jewish Shemitah Year on September 13 and the beginning of the Jubilee Year on September 28—both very significant in Biblical prophecy” (the Bible verses that confirm this “significance” in BIble prophecy were not listed).  Folks even in my own local church were hailing this as “the beginning of the end”, and appealing to people to come here a rabbi talk about the Jewish magical wisdom that could better inform Holy Spirit-filled Christians on what is “really going on”.

Having Christ-denying Jewish rabbis inform Christians on the “deeper things” of God is particularly chic these days, and it is fueled by the current Bible prophecy racket that misuses legitimate Bible prophecy to serve the interests of Cold War, tribalistic, Zionist political demogogues, under a veneer of prophetic “wisdom”, which is lapped up by the uninformed or usually xenophobic (mostly older) Christian masses.  These “rabbis” dish out mystical stuff that is as much Talmud and Jewish magical legends as much as it is scripture, which is perfectly normal in an Orthodox religious heritage; however, not long ago, Christians knew better than to seek deeper, murky spiritual prophetic insight from those who could not even acknowledge who was the Messiah their prophets spoke of, or those Messianic rabbinic variants who feel that there is a religious superiority and elitism to going back and resubmitting to the yoke of Mosiac Law, prompting even our Jewish Apostle Peter to say ” Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?” (Acts 15:10).

I have found the World Net Daily’s and other outlets pushing this latest “Chiken Little”, sky-is-falling “medicine show” to huckster books and DVDs to be not-surprisingly quiet on the subject today (I guess like other prophetic deadlines they hailed that came and went), although Skywatch is still pushing John Hagee’s warning from yesterday that it is the end of the world.

So, for the lack of reporting this morning from our para-church organizations and Christian media outlets on the subject, I would like to encourage you, loyal blog readers, to contribute your own “blood moon survival stories” here in the comments sections to this post.  And please feel free to grossly embellish – just like our highly-paid para-church ministry national leaders, who use their imagination to entertain us.  Extra points if you can scapegoat some minority, foreign people group or religion as the cause of your suffering in these days – American Christians love paranoia and demogoguery these days.

I will remember these “blood moons” the next time these Christian groups try to sign me up for one of these propaganda, Potemkin Village “Israel Tours” – designed to make money for the ministries, and promote secular Israel’s political agenda within wealthy America through their returning gulible Christian citizens.  The next time they ask me to go, I want to ask them if they will be doing something useful there like preaching the Gospel of Jesus at the Wailing Wall, like our dear Apostles did in Acts; if they don’t (and they won’t), then they can count me out.

If the world comes totally unglued in the next month or two, I guess I’ll have to eat my hat – but it still may not be because of some regularly-scheduled astronomical event.  The stock market usually has a big correction every few years in October.  I would not be surprised to see Israel unilaterally attack Iran and try to hide behind the US to start some alliance-fueled World War III, just like how the first World War was started.  When people of various cultures around the world start talking to each other and making peaceful amends, it makes Israel very nervous.

Any of you can follow your favorite bearded, yamulke and prayer shawl-sporting rabbi out there for “deeper knowledge”, but I think I’ll stick with my Rabbi Jesus, who had a word for the other rabbis as to their ability to discern prophetic signs in the sky:

“The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.
He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, [It will be] fair weather: for the sky is red.  And in the morning, [It will be] foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O [ye] hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not [discern] the signs of the times?” (Matt. 16:1-3)